Endangered Species
Bankclimber, purple (mussel)
Bat, gray Butterfly, Schaus swallowtail
Caracara, Audubon's crested FL pop.
Coral, elkhorn
Coral, staghorn
Crocodile, American FL pop.
Darter, Okaloosa
Deer, key
Jay, Florida scrub
Kite, Everglade snail FL pop.
Manatee, West Indian
Moccasinshell, Gulf
Moccasinshell, Ochlockonee
Mouse, Anastasia Island beach
Mouse, Choctawhatchee beach
Mouse, Key Largo cotton
Mouse, Perdido Key beach
Mouse, southeastern beach
Mouse, St. Andrew beach
Panther, Florida
Pigtoe, oval
Pocketbook, shinyrayed
Rabbit, Lower Keys marsh
Rice rat lower FL Keys
Salamander, flatwoods
Sawfish, smalltooth
Sea turtle, green FL, Mexico nesting pops.
Sea turtle, green except where endangered
Sea turtle, hawksbill
Sea turtle, Kemp's ridley
Sea turtle, leatherback
Sea turtle, loggerhead
Seal, Caribbean monk
Shrimp, Squirrel Chimney Cave
Skink, bluetail mole
Skink, sand
Slabshell, Chipola
Snail, Stock Island tree
Snake, Atlantic salt marsh
Snake, eastern indigo
Sparrow, Cape Sable seaside
Sparrow, Florida grasshopper
Stork, wood AL, FL, GA, SC
Sturgeon, gulf
Sturgeon, shortnose
Three-ridge, fat (mussel)
Vole, Florida salt marsh
Whale, finback
Whale, humpback
Whale, right
Woodpecker, red-cockaded
Woodrat, Key Largo

1 Comment:

  1. Cassandra L. said...
    It is always amazing to me to see how many animals are endangered in a particular area and realize that I have no clue what type of animal this is. This is a huge misfortune. Our enviroment harms the amimals and everyday we miss out on more and more that the world has to offer us. We need to be aware of what is going on in our surroundings and get involved to help protect our animals

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